536 research outputs found

    Hybrid inflation along waterfall trajectories

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    We identify a new inflationary regime for which more than 60 e-folds are generated classically during the waterfall phase occuring after the usual hybrid inflation. By performing a bayesian Monte-Carlo-Markov-Chain analysis, this scenario is shown to take place in a large part of the parameter space of the model. When this occurs, the observable perturbation modes leave the Hubble radius during waterfall inflation. The power spectrum of adiabatic perturbations is red, possibly in agreement with CMB constraints. A particular attention has been given to study only the regions for which quantum backreactions do not affect the classical dynamics. Implications concerning the preheating and the absence of topological defects in our universe are discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, section III-A on quantum backreactions more detailed, comments on transverse field gradient contribution added, version accepted for publication in Phys.Rev.

    Process of Deinstitutionalization of Aging Individuals With Severe and Disabling Mental Disorders: A Review

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    BACKGROUND: For more than 60 years, psychiatric services has gradually gone from an asylum model to a community model. This change has led to the emergence of a deinstitutionalization movement. This movement seems to have left behind long-term hospitalized aging individuals with severe and disabling mental disorders. The objective of this article is to conduct a review on the challenges and issues associated with the process of deinstitutionalization among hospitalized aging individuals with severe and disabling mental disorders. METHODS: Using PRISMA statement, the research methodology was carried out in English and French in 16 databases with a combination of 3 lists of keywords. The selection process was then followed by a thematic analysis which aimed at categorizing by theme and classifying the writings selected. RESULTS: A total of 83 articles published between 1978 and 2019 were selected and organized into six categories: (a) a forgotten population in research and health policies, (b) an economic presentation of the deinstitutionalization process, (c) an improvement in quality of life and global functioning for deinstitutionalized patients (d) from stigmatization to the rejection of elderly psychiatric inpatients from deinstutionalization process, (e) a difficult community-based care offer and a difficult epistemological identification, (f) from the lack of community services to the phenomenon of transinstitutionalization. The current state of scientific research, institutional policies and clinical practices associated with the deinstitutionalization process of SVPTSIH are then commented. CONCLUSIONS: Recommendations are proposed to researchers and professionals concerned with the support of long-term hospitalized aging individuals with severe and disabling mental disorders

    Linear perturbations in K-mouflage cosmologies with massive neutrinos

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    We present a comprehensive derivation of linear perturbation equations for different matter species, including photons, baryons, cold dark matter, scalar fields, and massless and massive neutrinos in the presence of a generic conformal coupling. Starting from the Lagrangians, we show how the conformal transformation affects the dynamics. In particular, we discuss how to incorporate consistently the scalar coupling in the equations of the Boltzmann hierarchy for massive neutrinos and the subsequent fluid approximations. We use the recently proposed K-mouflage model as an example to demonstrate the numerical implementation of our linear perturbation equations. K-mouflage is a new mechanism to suppress the fifth force between matter particles induced by the scalar coupling, but in the linear regime the fifth force is unsuppressed and can change the clustering of different matter species in different ways. We show how the cosmic microwave background, lensing potential and matter power spectra are affected by the fifth force and find ranges of K-mouflage parameters whose effects could be seen observationally. We also find that the scalar coupling can have the nontrivial effect of shifting the amplitude of the power spectra of the lensing potential and density fluctuations in opposite directions, although both probe the overall clustering of matter. This paper can serve as a reference for those who work on generic coupled scalar field cosmology or those who are interested in the cosmological behavior of the K-mouflage model

    Observational signatures of a non-singular bouncing cosmology

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    We study a cosmological scenario in which inflation is preceded by a bounce. In this scenario, the primordial singularity, one of the major shortcomings of inflation, is replaced by a non-singular bounce, prior to which the universe undergoes a phase of contraction. Our starting point is the bouncing cosmology investigated in Falciano et al. (2008), which we complete by a detailed study of the transfer of cosmological perturbations through the bounce and a discussion of possible observational effects of bouncing cosmologies. We focus on a symmetric bounce and compute the evolution of cosmological perturbations during the contracting, bouncing and inflationary phases. We derive an expression for the Mukhanov-Sasaki perturbation variable at the onset of the inflationary phase that follows the bounce. Rather than being in the Bunch-Davies vacuum, it is found to be in an excited state that depends on the time scale of the bounce. We then show that this induces oscillations superimposed on the nearly scale-invariant primordial spectra for scalar and tensor perturbations. We discuss the effects of these oscillations in the cosmic microwave background and in the matter power spectrum. We propose a new way to indirectly measure the spatial curvature energy density parameter in the context of this model.Comment: 40 pages, 5 figures, typos corrected and reference adde

    A New Era in the Quest for Dark Matter

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    There is a growing sense of `crisis' in the dark matter community, due to the absence of evidence for the most popular candidates such as weakly interacting massive particles, axions, and sterile neutrinos, despite the enormous effort that has gone into searching for these particles. Here, we discuss what we have learned about the nature of dark matter from past experiments, and the implications for planned dark matter searches in the next decade. We argue that diversifying the experimental effort, incorporating astronomical surveys and gravitational wave observations, is our best hope to make progress on the dark matter problem.Comment: Published in Nature, online on 04 Oct 2018. 13 pages, 1 figur

    Spectral Distortions of the CMB as a Probe of Inflation, Recombination, Structure Formation and Particle Physics

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    Following the pioneering observations with COBE in the early 1990s, studies of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) have focused on temperature and polarization anisotropies. CMB spectral distortions - tiny departures of the CMB energy spectrum from that of a perfect blackbody - provide a second, independent probe of fundamental physics, with a reach deep into the primordial Universe. The theoretical foundation of spectral distortions has seen major advances in recent years, which highlight the immense potential of this emerging field. Spectral distortions probe a fundamental property of the Universe - its thermal history - thereby providing additional insight into processes within the cosmological standard model (CSM) as well as new physics beyond. Spectral distortions are an important tool for understanding inflation and the nature of dark matter. They shed new light on the physics of recombination and reionization, both prominent stages in the evolution of our Universe, and furnish critical information on baryonic feedback processes, in addition to probing primordial correlation functions at scales inaccessible to other tracers. In principle the range of signals is vast: many orders of magnitude of discovery space could be explored by detailed observations of the CMB energy spectrum. Several CSM signals are predicted and provide clear experimental targets, some of which are already observable with present-day technology. Confirmation of these signals would extend the reach of the CSM by orders of magnitude in physical scale as the Universe evolves from the initial stages to its present form. The absence of these signals would pose a huge theoretical challenge, immediately pointing to new physics.Comment: Astro2020 Science White Paper, 5 pages text, 13 pages in total, 3 Figures, minor update to reference

    Probing anisotropies of the Stochastic Gravitational Wave Background with LISA

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    We investigate the sensitivity of the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) to the anisotropies of the Stochastic Gravitational Wave Background (SGWB). We first discuss the main astrophysical and cosmological sources of SGWB which are characterized by anisotropies in the GW energy density, and we build a Signal-to-Noise estimator to quantify the sensitivity of LISA to different multipoles. We then perform a Fisher matrix analysis of the prospects of detectability of anisotropic features with LISA for individual multipoles, focusing on a SGWB with a power-law frequency profile. We compute the noise angular spectrum taking into account the specific scan strategy of the LISA detector. We analyze the case of the kinematic dipole and quadrupole generated by Doppler boosting an isotropic SGWB. We find that β ΩGW ∼ 2 × 10-11 is required to observe a dipolar signal with LISA. The detector response to the quadrupole has a factor ∼ 103 β relative to that of the dipole. The characterization of the anisotropies, both from a theoretical perspective and from a map-making point of view, allows us to extract information that can be used to understand the origin of the SGWB, and to discriminate among distinct superimposed SGWB sources

    Quantum gravity phenomenology at the dawn of the multi-messenger era—A review

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    The exploration of the universe has recently entered a new era thanks to the multi-messenger paradigm, characterized by a continuous increase in the quantity and quality of experimental data that is obtained by the detection of the various cosmic messengers (photons, neutrinos, cosmic rays and gravitational waves) from numerous origins. They give us information about their sources in the universe and the properties of the intergalactic medium. Moreover, multi-messenger astronomy opens up the possibility to search for phenomenological signatures of quantum gravity. On the one hand, the most energetic events allow us to test our physical theories at energy regimes which are not directly accessible in accelerators; on the other hand, tiny effects in the propagation of very high energy particles could be amplified by cosmological distances. After decades of merely theoretical investigations, the possibility of obtaining phenomenological indications of Planck-scale effects is a revolutionary step in the quest for a quantum theory of gravity, but it requires cooperation between different communities of physicists (both theoretical and experimental). This review, prepared within the COST Action CA18108 “Quantum gravity phenomenology in the multi-messenger approach”, is aimed at promoting this cooperation by giving a state-of-the art account of the interdisciplinary expertise that is needed in the effective search of quantum gravity footprints in the production, propagation and detection of cosmic messengers

    The French Integrative Psychosocial Rehabilitation Assessment for Complex Situations (FIPRACS): Modelization of an Adapted Assessment Method Toward Long-Term Psychiatric Inpatients With Disabling, Severe and Persistent Mental Illness

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    For the past forty years, the generalization of community-based approaches has prompted psychiatry into promoting a deinstitutionalization movement and a psychosocial rehabilitation approach (PSR) for individuals with schizophrenia and related difficulties. Unfortunately, this approach generally does not involve the most severe cognitive and psycho-affective clinical situations among this population despite an increasing number of publications advocating that all individuals should be included in PSR and deinstitutionalization programs. In this context, considering the absence of an assessment battery designed for French individuals with particularly disabling, severe, and persistent mental illness (IDSPMI), we constructed an integrative assessment model adapted to this specific population. To select the most suitable tools for this population, a literature review (inspired by the PRISMA protocol) and a systematic review were combined with a clinical assessment study. The literature review first identified the cognitive and psycho-affective functions which mainly influence the day-to-day life adaptation of individuals engaged in a PSR/deinstitutionalization program. The systematic review then gathered all of the useable French validated tools to assess the initially selected dimensions (n = 87). To finish, for each dimension, the selected 87 tools were included in a clinical assessment study performed within a French psychiatric hospital. The authors collected and verified the characteristics of each tool (validity, French norms, French version, the average speed of the test, ease of use, ability to assess other dimensions). Their suitability was also assessed when applied to IDSPMI. Based on this final clinical evaluation, the authors selected one tool per function to create the French Integrative Psychosocial Rehabilitation Assessment for Complex Situations (FIPRACS). This battery is an assessment tailored to the neurocognitive and psycho-affective potentials of IDSPMI. While further validation studies of this battery are ultimately required, the practical/clinical implications of this battery are presented and discussed.</p

    Populations behind the source-subtracted cosmic infrared background anisotropies

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    While the upcoming telescopes will reveal correspondingly fainter, more distant galaxies, a question will persist: what more is there that these telescopes cannot see? One answer is the source-subtracted Cosmic Infrared Background (CIB). The CIB is comprised of the collective light from all sources remaining after known, resolved sources are accounted for. Ever-more-sensitive surveys will identify the brightest of these, allowing them to be removed, and - like peeling layers off an onion - reveal deeper layers of the CIB. In this way it is possible to measure the contributions from populations not accessible to direct telescopic observation. Measurement of fluctuations in the source-subtracted CIB, i.e., the spatial power spectrum of the CIB after subtracting resolved sources, provides a robust means of characterizing its faint, and potentially new, populations. Studies over the past 15 years have revealed source-subtracted CIB fluctuations on scales out to ~100' which cannot be explained by extrapolating from known galaxy populations. Moreover, they appear highly coherent with the unresolved Cosmic X-ray Background, hinting at a significant population of accreting black holes among the CIB sources. Characterizing the source-subtracted CIB with high accuracy, and thereby constraining the nature of the new populations, is feasible with upcoming instruments and would produce critically important cosmological information in the next decade. New coextensive deep and wide-area near-infrared, X-ray, and microwave surveys will bring decisive opportunities to examine, with high fidelity, the spatial spectrum and origin of the CIB fluctuations and their cross-correlations with cosmic microwave and X-ray backgrounds, and determine the formation epochs and the nature of the new sources (stellar nucleosynthetic or accreting black holes).Comment: Science whitepaper submitted to the Astro2020 Decadal Surve